Lisp conditional statements use true/ false expressions in conjunction with code. Lisp条件语句将true/false表达式和代码一起使用。
Imperative ( procedural) programming might suggest monolithic if or switch conditional statements to properly order application logic, but they fail to represent the concept of the code, making them more difficult to maintain. 指令式(过程式)编程可能会建议组合使用if或switch条件语句,从而获得顺序正确的应用程序逻辑,但它们并不代表代码的概念,这使得它们变得很难维护。
Then you use the conditional if statement to check the return code of the command. 然后,您使用条件型if语句,以检查该命令的返回代码。
A visual snippet diagram also supports the conditional execution of code groups, which you create by adding a conditional control structure. 可视代码片段关系图也支持代码组的条件执行,可以通过添加条件控制结构来创建。
Listing 1 below contains basic conditional code that could achieve this goal. 下面的清单1包含实现这一目标的基本条件代码。
XQuery's ability to transform XML output can be combined with its built-in support for conditional logic to reduce the complexity of application code. XQuery的XML输出转换功能可以与它内置的对条件逻辑的支持相结合,以减少应用程序代码的复杂性。
When working with conditional code, you often know which branch is most likely and which is not. 在开发人员使用有条件代码时,常常知道最可能执行哪个分支,而哪个分支很少执行。
Conditional complexity can manifest in several different ways in source code. 条件复杂度可以以几种不同的方式出现在源代码中。
In this case,# set lets you move the conditional out of the text generation and into the code that defines the variable. 在这种情况下,set允许您将条件从文本生成中移出,移动到定义变量的代码中。
For example, if the conditional is marked "likely" then the compiler can place the True portion of the code immediately following the branch ( which will not be taken). 例如,如果一个条件标上了“likely”,那么编译器可以把代码的True部分直接放在分支指令后面(这样就不需要执行分支指令)。
References can be used as a parameter to be tested in conditional ( if/ then) execution of the test scenario as well as being passed into custom code. 引用可以被用来作为在测试场景中条件(if/then)运行的测试参数,也可以被传递给定制的代码。
Often, long methods and large classes are indications of other code smells, such as conditional complexity and duplicated code. 通常,长方法和大类也暗示着存在其他代码味道,如条件复杂度和重复代码。
Conditional Acceptance Validity of Contracting& Concurrent discussion on relevant legislation of Contract Law and US Uniform Commercial Code 附条件承诺在合同订立中的效力&兼论《合同法》与《统一商法典》相关立法
Trace conditional attribute so that the compiler includes your trace code in the executable. 条件属性,让编译器在可执行文件中包括跟踪代码。
The compiler understands the Conditional attribute, so it can do a better job of verifying code when conditional attributes are applied. 编译器可以识别Conditional属性,当条件属性被应用时,编译器可以很好的完成工作。
At compile time, the conditional code for the French version is compiled. 则将编译法语版本的条件代码。
You can use conditional compilation to select particular sections of code to compile, while excluding other sections. 可以使用条件编译选择特定的代码节进行编译,而排除其他代码节。
In this paper, the fundamental principles for finding and implementing fast conditional breakpoints are introduced and the design problems associated with their implementations such as code generation, code instrumentation and source program mapping are discussed. 分析了快速条件断点基本原理以及快速条件断点设计中需要考虑的代码生成、代码插装和源程序对应等问题。
As a conditional jump may cause significant code performance penalty, the architecture of recent VLIW DSPs offers support for conditional instructions. 为克服条件跳转指令的缺陷,新一代超长指令字(VLIW)体系结构的数字信号处理器(DSP)提供了对条件执行指令的支持。
The enclosing terms of conditional acceptance validity of contracting in our~ country's Contract Law is different from that in US Uniform Commercial Code. 我国《合同法》与美国《统一商法典》对附条件承诺在合同订立中的效力有不同的规定。
According to the conclusion that conditional entropy will be no more than the unconditional entropy, we can see the Context model can effectively reduce the entropy of the source of information, thereby reducing the code length of the image coding. 根据条件熵必不超过无条件熵这一结论,可知Context模型可以有效的减少信源的信息熵,从而减少图像编码的码长。